Сообщения пользователя:

Тема: Average levels of the officers, research | 20 Октября 2017 00:00:40
Сообщение #7
BTW  last balance of Time and speed is really  , deserve a acknowledgment , good job (y) .
Тема: Average levels of the officers, research | 19 Октября 2017 23:59:39
Сообщение #6
Very nice , just wondering what about this http://prntscr.com/gzjgry is it somehow possible to be little logic in this PRICE , or some discounts so we can actually buy that ? Will be very nice of you and also will make more interesting for players , less we can afford that , its way to high , 555 $ just to get  3rd level of mendrtid is madness , and why we outside of Russia pay more for HD cristals ? Why is that ?
Тема: مهام الاسطول | 17 Октября 2017 00:50:22
Сообщение #5
Тема: Marketing and Stuff to Buy | 5 Октября 2017 01:47:21
Сообщение #4
I have suggestion , Its nice about this Mega packages but let be honest , its good for new players .          http://prntscr.com/gtddhu

Mentrid is 30 000 HD cristals equal to 500$ just to have ability to build already very expansive Flag Ships , guys this is to much , let be little real , Whats is interesting if i have to play 5 years to get build few of dose ????

Make some discounts and some spacial prices for all to be able to get some of mutants , that will be benefit for both sides , player and owner , and game will be much interesting and challenging . Please

Top 10 players of the Year , how is that possible thats admins can participate on this ?
Тема: new engine to move station | 5 Октября 2017 01:18:57
Сообщение #3
agree , good point Shane
Тема: Game changes and 'improvements' | 2 Сентября 2017 08:17:56
Сообщение #2
Interesting , i didnt know thats possible and also i do not mind if they can , as far game can be played, fer is possible .

I do have an offer ," if thats a truth" , then do that for all players , will make more interesting for everyone .

Anyway its very hard to do some really good staff in here , its way to expansive ,to buy some of things and taking ages to collect them , like flag ships , they are way to expansive , big ones and some of Mutants are way over expansive .I do not have problem spend some money to kip game on , but lets make some discounts and some special offers so others can buy

What about new players and guys who can't buy anything , they should be something for them to , they are very important roll in the game to .They also should have some chance to have fun and some benefits .

Any way , Economics here are really in bad condition , guys you should really see how to manage this more economic for yourself , give chance to players to buy and have fun and enjoy game , this should be main reason for balancing this much easy for all .

Just now pay attention , when you reduce last time pirates and make more expansive game ,on the Market there is no much offer from players and the market, what was before 11 or more pages now they are about 4 pages , and game is much slower for all .yes i understand all but lets make it little easier and have more fun , you can profit for your own good .


Тема: HC, Availability of Resources, Player Base - Market... ECONOMINCS | 2 Сентября 2017 07:51:25
Сообщение #1