I already have that on December 5th. Posted around 12 o'clock server time to the admins but I would like to make it public again here.
because of a bug i lost 12 gravity cannons with level 5 and 8 further ops with inset and gun level 5.
i shot a planet for an asteroid shot and colonized the planet with my xerj. he has a structure bonus from the officer. when i came online today, however, the planet was destroyed. it was a 20k diameter planet and the planet got a bonus of 280kk structure. In purely mathematical terms, it would be impossible to destroy the planet with the 20 guns mentioned from the time of settlement until now. but that is exactly the case. when i came online this morning the planet was destroyed and my guns with it.
in addition, the automatic shutdown was set for every gun.
So why are my guns and ops destroyed?
i want replacement. this is a bug
here the screens.
https://prntscr.com/vw9xgrdestroyed planet:
https://prntscr.com/vw9xzyOfficer for bonus:
https://prntscr.com/vw9zhyI have raider and destroyer on 10 and both run at x2, my tech is at level 7 and my guns were all level 5:
2710 dmg / shot * 2.65 rounds / min * 20 guns, 60 min / h = 8.617kk dmg / h
I colonized the planet at 8 p.m. server time and about 14 hours later I was online again. during this time it was already destroyed.
it was a 20k diameter planet and i had a structure bonus from the officer of 270kk.
arithmetically I would have had over a day after the settlement.