Open voting: Is it necessary to stimulate players in the alliance with medals?

Yes. I think the idea is not bad, it can be put into practice and perhaps this will be a small incentive for players to develop further in alliances. - 19 (90%: mirotvorec73, Darkside, Gorini4, kaa86, 123514, qwertyproc, slava_k, rassssol, Robie7979, Stalker_, Fox174, Wargod, deRooij, Orakis, Tristan, siDiX, Vitaly, Didextri, xBETEPx)

No, I think the idea of introducing alliance medals is pointless - 2 (10%: ill, Zlobniy_Trindl)

Total voted: 22.

Medals for alliance players, Medals for alliance players

Reputation 64
Group BANNED Alliance Shaolin 63 54 84 Points 4 160 305 Messages 124
In order to attract players to alliances, or rather one of the stimulating components for the active participation of players in life in alliances, we offer the following:
Enter the medals section in the alliance heads menu. These medals will not provide any bonuses other than ranking within their alliances. Medals issued to players who are heads of alliances will be visible in the player's overall medals. We suggest creating the following types of medals:
- Aggressor (for attacks on other players)
- Defender (for the defense of the alliance infrastructure)
- Scout (for information collected on enemy fleets and territories)
- Builder (for the construction of alliance infrastructure)
- Merchant (for strengthening the exchange, uninterrupted delivery of resources to it and pumping up the speed of its delivery workers, as well as the development of a network of exchanges available at different points in the alliance network)
- Diplomat (for regulating relationships with players of other alliances)
- Miner (for increased production on planets and asteroids, in order to sell resources to the Soals at an affordable price, or use resources for other areas in the development of the alliance)
- Pirate killer (for beating or eating more pirs than his souls, to know who is the hungriest pie-eater in the alliance)
- Great forwarder (for the fact that he carries the most useful things from the expo and always saves)
-Pushkar (for the most effective use of his gravitational guns, for the purpose of obtaining asteroids or removing the protection of pirates’ OPS)
-Duelist (for using his objects as ramming devices)
-Service worker (for demolishing a service to rivals, like a medal so that everyone understands that the player is in an alliance, but he was also marked there as a service worker, this is, let’s say, a disapproving medal, like a stigma. If the player is corrected, it can be removed by the head of the alliance)
The medal will have a beautiful picture characteristic of its name, at the bottom of which there will be a number indicating the total number of medals of this type issued.
It is expected that by the presence of medals a player will understand how active he is and which direction of the game he is more active in. The issuance of type 1 medals is allowed no more than once every 3 months (1 quarter) and no more than 2 different types in the same time interval.
The head of the alliance can revoke any type of medal from a player 3 times a year (3 medals in total). If a player leaves the alliance, the medals remain with the player. If the player subsequently joined another alliance, then the head of the new alliance also has the right to recall medals received by the player earlier, subject to all deadlines for their issuance. The player himself cannot get rid of the medal.
16 July 2024 22:48:51
16 July 2024 22:48:51
Reputation 417
Group Government Alliance Combining the Zerg and Terran 169 88 72 Points 40 541 741 Messages 15
J'ai voté contre.
L'idée est intéressante.
Mais la discrétion est plus profitable que l'affichage des "valeurs" du joueur.
Par exemple : si un joueur est "diplomate" ou "commerçant", le mieux serait qu'il affiche lui-même cette capacité s'il le souhaite ; un "diplomate", par définition, est diplomate par ses actions, et pas par sa "fonction".
En revanche, il serait bien de fournir au joueur la possibilité d'afficher sur son profil, comme il le souhaite, de manière indépendante, les options que vous avez listées, à partir d'un certain niveau d'évolution, bien sûr.
22 July 2024 23:13:23
22 July 2024 23:13:23
Reputation 242
Group humans Alliance Lords At War 101 148 156 Points 8 441 514 Messages 43
L'idée est plus qu'intéressante.
Mettre en valeur le travail d'un joueur ne peut-être plus que bénéfique.
Cela motivera l'ensemble des joueurs à se surpasser.
Peut être aussi , sur un point négatif, cela peut engendrer des jalousies internes.
Une alliance qui fonctionne bien, où l'entente est de rigueur, n'a pas nécessairement besoin d'avoir de médailles à octroyer pour les bonnes actions de certains joueurs.
N'y a t'il pas d'autres alternatives ?
Je propose la mise en place, d'un bâtiment, ou seraient entreposés des cadeaux invisibles, que le chef distriburait aux joueurs de qualité.
A étudier....
23 July 2024 11:03:06
23 July 2024 11:03:06


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