Последние обновления

22-12-2020 13:19:14
Cost tables have been added to the descriptions of buildings and technologies by level (available by clicking on 'Cost').
21-12-2020 13:29:57
The 10 sec timer is now different for each player on each orbital object on the same coordinates.
18-12-2020 17:53:52
Politics: Change of congressman's level when % of his alliance's territory changes
17-12-2020 17:51:14
The energy consumption of the shielded domes has been reduced by almost half.
16-12-2020 14:03:56
Planned changes to the interface and mechanics of the Gate are already in place (https://xcraft.ru/forum/topic_49171/1#post-888492)
15-12-2020 23:46:59
Politics: Top 100 players FORBIDDEN to become senators (Одинаковые члены в палатах)
15-12-2020 19:55:03
Politics: Players from the Top 100 are allowed to become Senators.
15-12-2020 19:41:14
Politics: Voting in the politics section of the forum is always open and without point limits.
15-12-2020 15:09:13
15-12-2020 13:51:24
Correcting the slowdown of an ongoing research after the construction of a laboratory
14-12-2020 13:26:28
Politics: Signal restriction removed in new Senate and Congress forum threads
14-12-2020 13:05:45
Politics: Congress
10-12-2020 13:53:05
English voice-over for speech number 4 of the Adjutant in quest 1.
07-12-2020 17:44:14
Fixed a bug where gravity gun could have wrong info about target's owner and corresponding structure bonuses (planet was destroyed despite the remaining structure and destroyed 12 )
07-12-2020 10:58:39
Policy: Medals and the Supreme Council page (in the Policy section); voting for the Balance Editor.
06-12-2020 13:21:42
Fuel consumption for warm-up of the fleet has been halved.
03-12-2020 19:05:03
Correction of a bug that required less Vespen to warm-up the fleet than declared. (https://xcraft.ru/forum/topic_49168/4#post-888351)
03-12-2020 11:28:39
Change in the number of crystals from 1,000 to 2,000, with which the space pumpkin is given out during the event.
02-12-2020 19:55:56
All players have read access to the forums of the Senate and Congress (future).
30-11-2020 15:13:57
You cannot be in the Senate and the Supreme Intergalactic Council at the same time. A player from the Supreme Intergalactic Council can still be a tribune.
30-11-2020 9:57:07
Hide jump button if gate owner doesn't allow to use it.
26-11-2020 11:43:15
Candidates to the Tribune of the plebs have been added to the Policy
25-11-2020 17:27:51
A part of the political system of the sector, the Senate, has been established (https://xcraft.net/politics/).
Voting for the Tribune of the plebs (on the Policy page) and the Senate Forum are available for Senators.
24-11-2020 8:50:20
Changes in the display of the level of the intergalactic research network and the number of connected laboratories in the impact table for the duration of the research.
22-11-2020 12:44:17
Redistribution of the value of Dunkleosteus, Entity, Wormhive, Supernova, Jouann, Usurpator and others in favour of minerals.

Gas was removed from the value of Jouann, Guardian and others.

The Laboratory's research speed bonus has been doubled.

20% increase in basic production of classic production buildings: Mines, Refinery, Incubator, Rectification tunnel, Extractor.
20-11-2020 9:58:26
The cost of building the Insectoid entity was increased by 200000 minerals. The cost of building Dunkleosteus and Wormhive has been redistributed to the mineral.
20-11-2020 9:22:59
Redistribution of the cost of harvesters towards a mineral. Reducing the cost of the Space Wanderer by 250000 gas and Jouann by 5000000 gas.
19-11-2020 20:32:49
Insectoid entity cannot stop on coordinates of the void.
19-11-2020 11:13:02
The cost of xerjs guardians has fallen by 2000 gas.
18-11-2020 16:18:25
We fixed bug with possible collision when teleporting to the coordinates of a void. (Столкновение станции с планетой).
18-11-2020 15:32:28
Change in the price of the Usurper. It costs 300000 less gas and 500000 more minerals.
16-11-2020 17:35:24
Disrupters at abandoned objects no longer slow down alien fleets. (Баг остаточное явление на планете. ).
16-11-2020 13:01:35
For the joint defense of the asteroid tosses need a hangar, for all other objects - the Fleet Beacon
16-11-2020 12:17:20
A gravitational trampoline calculator has been added.
15-11-2020 12:43:22
Standard defence shields of all races have been doubled.
11-11-2020 8:51:21
The cost of creating a group with the administrator in dialogues or the cost of inviting the administrator to the group is 100 HC
11-11-2020 6:25:31
Improving the entry of numbers with separators
10-11-2020 12:15:36
Fuel consumption of the lurker has been reduced from 30 to 25.
09-11-2020 17:14:45
The cost of the jouann has been changed. Instead of 80000000 / 20000000, it became 70000000 / 30000000.
09-11-2020 17:09:50
The cost of a space wanderer has been changed. Instead of 7000000 / 3000000, it became 6000000 / 4000000.
09-11-2020 17:08:17
The cost of the Viking has been changed. Instead of 1500 / 500 became 1400 / 600.
09-11-2020 14:12:53
The cost of the mutalisk has been changed. Instead of 18 000 / 6 000, it became 15 000 / 9 000.
09-11-2020 8:50:30
Wormhive now gives +20% density per level instead of +10%.
06-11-2020 20:56:28
You can sell fleets of all races to a fleet merchant.
06-11-2020 8:40:14
The restriction on the arrival of pirates in the galaxy outside the range [10;900] has been removed.
05-11-2020 20:59:43
Pirate fleets on coordinates now prefer more populated areas to appear.
03-11-2020 10:07:14
Adding optional sorting of satellites by distance from the local coordinates centre.
This feature aligns the sorting of the satellite list in menus, spy reports, galaxy planet panels and fleet menu.
You can disable this change in the game settings.
03-11-2020 8:42:24
The possibility of building a tribunal at converted tosses stations has been eliminated.
Fixed bug Баг с энергусом
29-10-2020 19:29:28
Correction of a bug.
The change in speed now removes the suspended deceleration. https://xcraft.ru/forum/topic_48965
29-10-2020 18:51:29
Impersonal display of the number of hidden space pumpkins on the premium page.
29-10-2020 13:49:10
Correction of gigalord flight time displayed in the bestiary of the tosses. (неправильно указывается время доставки товара с биржи).
29-10-2020 9:52:22
Sorting of objects in the Fleet and Galaxy menu by distance from the centre of the local coordinate (Неправильное отображение объектов при скане и атаке.).
28-10-2020 14:30:38
Recovery of killed Hydralisks via recovery queue.
28-10-2020 6:45:36
Automatic update of the number of interplanetary missiles in the galaxy.
26-10-2020 10:24:18
The cost of activating the Otorten lever has been increased
22-10-2020 13:29:08
Astrophysics bonus to satellite fields has increased.
20-10-2020 13:37:59
We have added a free test period for the premium.
19-10-2020 14:17:07
We have updated the calculation of the number of wormholes. The number is no longer fixed but depends on the number of active players. The current number of wormholes has doubled.
15-10-2020 18:01:59
We have corrected the sorting of the Queen's contamination by date.
Cортировка по дате заражения
14-10-2020 15:40:04
Cancellation of tosses bonus at OPS buildings
Corrected: броникс на опс не работает
13-10-2020 19:18:48
Deactivation of the gravity gun after capture. Bug fixed: И опять гравипушка.
13-10-2020 9:44:56
The Rift Plasma Medal now gives +1% teleportation range
11-10-2020 14:53:11
We have increased the number of pirates on coordinates.
11-10-2020 12:22:21
We have corrected the calculation of the position of an object that moves in local coordinates and is shot by a gravity gun (slows down). Thank you ⛏️Drjusha.
09-10-2020 19:18:18
The Rift Plasma Medal can be found on an expedition or in Schrödinger's box. It gives any player of any race the chance to complete a task on Otorten.
08-10-2020 23:38:23
The number of pirates at coordinates reduced by 20%.
08-10-2020 18:20:39
Recording of fuel consumption to calculate the number of recyclers in fast shipment
08-10-2020 17:18:13
The Otorten award has been replaced. Instead of creating a station, a station medal is now awarded
08-10-2020 10:49:20
Correction of building demolition time after the construction of a building that increases the construction speed (Время разбора зданий)
06-10-2020 11:44:49
Correction of nickname coloring in the new forum posts section.
05-10-2020 19:46:09
Inserting coordinates on the teleportation page now updates the distance. Fixed bug: космостанции
02-10-2020 10:07:38
A collision/stop timer has been added for objects moving at local coordinates. The timer appears when the speed or direction changes. The timer will not appear if another object collides with a third earlier on the same coordinates
01-10-2020 10:33:20
Objects that can fly in local coordinates can fly out of orbit 50k
01-10-2020 9:13:04
Fleet domination has been completely eliminated
29-09-2020 9:11:40
Destruction of units without transport, after losses in black holes and expeditions
29-09-2020 1:00:46
The number of pirates at coordinates has been increased by a quarter.
28-09-2020 13:00:00
We have corrected problems with loading avatars. (Баг с аватаром.)
26-09-2020 10:15:47
Launch of x2Crazy!
25-09-2020 15:01:32
Tosses can build a cybernetic core on all satellites
23-09-2020 18:38:25
The number of entries in the dispatch planning is limited to 100 entries.
23-09-2020 11:23:05
The 9th Quest of Humans was continued after the "Nobility".
23-09-2020 10:31:24
We corrected the appearance of the Gigalord by automatically returning to the satellite of the expired position. (гиголоид невидимка).

We have banned the automatic return of expired positions to objects without a building that gives access to the bestiary.
23-09-2020 8:44:43
We have added the ability to remove the visibility of someone else's shared fleet.
21-09-2020 18:19:22
Pirates, admins and quest characters do not need buildings to rebuild their defence after a battle.
21-09-2020 13:39:02
Defence is restored when the building of the respective race is in place
17-09-2020 11:37:41
We have corrected the storekeeper officer bonus (Store keeper)
16-09-2020 13:41:01
We corrected the acceleration of ongoing research after the construction of the forge. (Ускорение исследования )
15-09-2020 13:35:28
Cancellation of the 10% reduction in HC of bestiary fee, introduced on 13 July.
15-09-2020 10:30:54
Real-time update of resources after mission transport.
14-09-2020 8:59:28
We have added notifications about the completion of research or building/destruction.
11-09-2020 12:23:23
Group creation cost -1HC
Change of group leader cost- 1HC
11-09-2020 10:20:41
Update of the resource merchant.
The cost of calling a merchant has changed from 3 crystals to 1 crystal for every 500 000 resources exchanged in Vespene equivalent.
11-09-2020 9:35:13
The display of content at the resource merchant has been narrowed.
10-09-2020 12:40:38
The ninth human quest was continued
08-09-2020 19:21:51
We have corrected the rounding in the capacity calculation. вместимость владык
08-09-2020 11:48:52
We have corrected the display of parameters on the building pages. (Рассинхрон формул)
08-09-2020 10:49:48
It is prohibited to send the fleet to defend an inactive ally.
07-09-2020 17:09:31
Regeneration bonus from Acid Pool is halved
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2 Августа 2017 19:45:35
Посл. сообщение: stein
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 2192



1 Августа 2017 17:02:24
Посл. сообщение: Darek
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 5 Просмотры: 2088



26 Июля 2017 08:21:55
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2053



26 Июля 2017 08:14:54
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 2446



21 Ноября 2019 06:30:30
Посл. сообщение: hultan
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 7 Просмотры: 4306



12 Июля 2017 11:07:25
Посл. сообщение: worxy
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 5 Просмотры: 2709



30 Июня 2017 09:01:56
Посл. сообщение: --Anubis--
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 2083



17 Июля 2017 07:11:30
Посл. сообщение: Viktor38
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 19 Просмотры: 3066



23 Июня 2017 14:20:54
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 7 Просмотры: 3696



1 Июня 2017 18:48:00
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 1941



2 Апреля 2018 14:09:54
Посл. сообщение: hitomure
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 24 Просмотры: 4894



18 Мая 2017 22:20:45
Посл. сообщение: shane
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 2116



18 Мая 2017 15:22:18
Посл. сообщение: lordrodry
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 7 Просмотры: 2167



12 Мая 2017 20:01:33
Посл. сообщение: hai_dang
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 1926



13 Мая 2017 01:44:02
Посл. сообщение: Dread_Pirate_Fluffy
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 1795



22 Июня 2017 18:03:24
Посл. сообщение: MBN
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 2242



26 Апреля 2017 00:29:29
Посл. сообщение: strategichicken
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 4 Просмотры: 2130



20 Апреля 2017 23:19:11
Посл. сообщение: manda
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 4 Просмотры: 2239



12 Апреля 2017 09:09:26
Посл. сообщение: Sunny
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 2317



12 Апреля 2017 07:10:12
Посл. сообщение: MBN
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 6 Просмотры: 2082



18 Июня 2017 16:35:02
Посл. сообщение: Pelmenis
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 8 Просмотры: 2402

Game over page and pancors

for fans of the mission 13



21 Марта 2017 03:20:50
Посл. сообщение: MBN
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 1894



14 Марта 2017 17:18:02
Посл. сообщение: MAZLUMUNAHI
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 1691



11 Марта 2017 11:32:58
Посл. сообщение: Dualzxz
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 1728

Destroyed systems




3 Марта 2017 13:24:43
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 2047

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