xerj balance
I cannot help but notice that most of the recent changes are nerfing xerf the most:
- production on main buildings cut down by 15% - terran also
- scourges dmg reduced (again)
- visibility changes. This is small nerf as it affects everyone but xerj was the only race that could get this from officer
- OPS changes. This is actually big. One of the advantages of xerj was cheap station building. In return they get no realiable usage for GG, with only one (veeery expensive) officer and no techs to support. Now OPSs are easier to get which balances down advantage from dunks, but xerj still has no gravity guns. On top of that xerj is only race using ships to propagate network. OPSs cannot be captured but planetoids still can be destroyed
- bestiary range. Affects everyone but still xerj suffer the most since it is the race building markets.
- hangar buffed, vikings buffed, fastling - nerfed
- L/R turrets buffed
All other changes since May are even. I really hope there is something behind it and "the change" is coming. Otherwise this looks to me like, maybe unintentional, but still very ugly trend.
- production on main buildings cut down by 15% - terran also
- scourges dmg reduced (again)
- visibility changes. This is small nerf as it affects everyone but xerj was the only race that could get this from officer
- OPS changes. This is actually big. One of the advantages of xerj was cheap station building. In return they get no realiable usage for GG, with only one (veeery expensive) officer and no techs to support. Now OPSs are easier to get which balances down advantage from dunks, but xerj still has no gravity guns. On top of that xerj is only race using ships to propagate network. OPSs cannot be captured but planetoids still can be destroyed
- bestiary range. Affects everyone but still xerj suffer the most since it is the race building markets.
- hangar buffed, vikings buffed, fastling - nerfed
- L/R turrets buffed
All other changes since May are even. I really hope there is something behind it and "the change" is coming. Otherwise this looks to me like, maybe unintentional, but still very ugly trend.
1 Августа 2024 20:02:52
Цитата: kotek
The resources in this game come from pirates.
That could only be true for a very limited amount of players. Pirate generation is expected to give less than half of resources generated by mining (per server overall), and that's theoretical best case (if 100% of pirates are destroyed, with 30%-40% being a more typical actual case).
11 дней назад
Interesting to know.
11 дней назад
With the new update.. Xerj Is again overpowered. Small and human and toss loss fleet.. So fuck this game. Im About to leave. You make it worse I have played soon 2 years
10 дней назад
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