Thats not hard to do. Mudkips are very cheap.
Build scavangers/cruisers
2,500 500 200
2,500 / 4 = 625
500 / 2 = 250
200 = 200
1,075 vespene each
x 31,000
=33,325,000 vespene.
Your battle report
8 216 525 metal 3 399 965 mineral
8 216 525 / 4 = 2,054,131
3 399 965 / 2 = 1,499,982
=3,754,113 vespene
his losses
summary: Metal: 1 678 500, Mineral: 335 300, Vespene: 134 100.
1,678,500 / 4 *.7 (% not in debris)= 293,737
335,300 / 2 *.7 (% not in debris)= 117,355
3,754,113 - 545,192 = 3,208,921
Not counting his repairs...
3,208,921 / 1,075 = +2,985 mudkips to his force