Indeed, the Interactive galaxy view is not working properly.
After clearing cache, and dumping temp files:
Using IE 11.0.9600:
Upon first loading galaxy view, view is zoomed in a lot. Zoom bar says "100%", but it cannot be moved to change zoom level.

Cannot use drag bar to change zoom level, but zoom can be altered using mouse wheel. Zoom out a little (although the zoom bar doesn't reflect change):

And finally, zoom out a bit further:

Note that my system is denoted by the arrow in the middle of the screen.
Additionally, if I change the filter settings, they are effective (although the view is still not correct) ONLY for as long as I do not reload the page or change to a different planet/moon. If I click on another object to "be active on", the filter settings are reset and I looks like that last jpeg.
BTW, check out main.min.js line 107. Debugger caught something...