Quest 6,
what the reward out of quest point - the survived attack of pirates like this
-*great shit attack power 229,000 killed just 5 dreadlisks .. AHAHAHHAAAAAA..
this one or these ones that created such quest are SHIT-made IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(!) .. as far as it's just a disbalance : pirates with 1,000,000 state points attack one with 17,000 .. while there are pirates of each level .. 2,000 20,000 100,000 1,000,000 .. for example in my case it should be pirates with 20,000 state points ..
*shit is criminal, ..
then after pushed button "get reward" happened absolutely nothing - no any reward, no message about delivered goods, ..
or reward is continuation of quest? .. then again, if reward is the continuation of quest - there MUST be notified about, no message, no shit nothing, ..
IDIOTS!!!!!!!(!) .. ass-mouths-holes fcked IDIOTS!!!!!..
*results of these shit attacks of pirates with 1,000,000 state points = killed defenses to 50% & some shit others players used this to destroy my fleet completely, ..
AHAHAHAAAAAAAA.. GAV!NO .. GAV!NO & its intelligence, ..