We know how to play with warm-up applied. It is not some complicated process that only the very clever can work out. That's not the issue. The issue is balance. And hunting was fine before. Never had a problem hunting or being hunted, as it's the game.
* I ask again, how has it benefitted the game and the way it is played? More fun? I also see that the majority says that is not so... and by majority I mean the largest portion of the players who have commented or interacted in some way with the posts about warmup. I do not mean just the 80 votes here, but the comments on the Russian forum also reflect a majority opinion about this.
**More realistic? how so? A fleet that flies for 2 minutes warms up for 1:58 minutes? Equate that to a realistic situation for me, please. Say a car accelerates to 100km p/hr.. with this 'realistic' change applied, the car would sit still for 4 minutes and then instantly be moving at 100km/hr.
This section of the forum is for players to express their opinions or grievances. Whether for or against, it is better to hear from them. It is not senseless complaining or flood for the sake of it. If no opinions were expressed then how would the developers know what the players want... regardless if they do anything about it or not.