New visibility

Сообщение  Сообщение #1 
Репутация 354
Группа Terminator 180 32 50 Сообщений 5208
The project administration is pleased to announce new visibility rules now without problems with local coordinates.

The idea of the player has been realised.

We have introduced visibility in our opinion more understandable than before, just by the technology of detection and its analogues.

It is now impossible to hide an object without special stealth ability in local coordinates, you can only fly far away on the galaxy map. Stealth ability will be possible to get by collecting special items.

The rules of visibility and the influence of technologies on it are being supplemented and adjusted.

As the visibility development has been going on for half a year not all descriptions are acutalised at the moment. We will finalise everything today.
14 Августа 2023 17:55:26
14 Августа 2023 17:55:26
Сообщение  Сообщение #2 
Репутация 8
Группа toss Альянс Heroic Hegemony 52 18 38 Очков 4 566 279 Сообщений 1
Цитата: Victoria
The project administration is pleased to announce new visibility rules now without problems with local coordinates.
The project administration should be fired for maladministration
Цитата: Victoria
An idea from 2009 when the game was very different
Цитата: Victoria
As the visibility development has been going on for half a year not all descriptions are acutalised at the moment. We will finalise everything today.
So a few more days to do a quality job and to announce the change BEFORE it takes effect wouldn't have been all that hard!

When the Senators vote to reverse the change we'll see how much "project administration" listen to the players...and 14 years later do something about it!
14 Августа 2023 18:24:20
14 Августа 2023 18:24:20
Сообщение  Сообщение #3 
Репутация -2
Группа xerj Альянс STORM 32 18 24 Очков 1 670 769 Сообщений 35
Every single change the admins make to this game make it worse. What is wrong with you people?

I can literally list a TON of changes I remember being made to this game and NOT ONE is good for the player...

"It is now impossible to hide an object without special stealth ability in local coordinates" Ok that's dumb, but you didn't tell us how to obtain the "special stealth ability".
14 Августа 2023 21:12:22
14 Августа 2023 21:12:22
Сообщение  Сообщение #4 
Группа guest
I'm definitely done with this game now.
14 Августа 2023 21:14:46
14 Августа 2023 21:14:46
Сообщение  Сообщение #5 
Репутация 120
Группа humans Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran 68 42 96 Очков 7 287 946 Сообщений 83
Victoria, this was not even discussed or even voted for in the senate that idea is from a player in 2009 and dosent even exisst any more so no it wasent what the current player base wanted this is a stupid thing to do this needs to be reversed and the servers rolled back after the damage that has been caused by a poor update that wasent wanted nor needed
15 Августа 2023 01:21:10
15 Августа 2023 01:21:10
Сообщение  Сообщение #6 
Группа guest
This would be an excellent idea, 14 years ago. Something this drastic should include a server wipe. Also the game includes your capital planet in your bio, how does that make sense in a fog of war context.
15 Августа 2023 05:05:21
15 Августа 2023 05:05:21
Сообщение  Сообщение #7 
Репутация -190
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8119
Цитата: Robie7979
that idea is from a player in 2009 and dosent even exisst any more

Hey, I'm still existing.
15 Августа 2023 12:09:02
15 Августа 2023 12:09:02
Сообщение  Сообщение #8 
Репутация 11
Группа xerj Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 70 68 51 Очков 3 599 836 Сообщений 60
I might be the only person that actually likes the change... Now go make dmg go to the lowest hp unit in the group instead of spreading it so that small fleets still do something to bigger ones and we good!
15 Августа 2023 18:34:24
15 Августа 2023 18:34:24
Сообщение  Сообщение #9 
Репутация -190
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8119
Цитата: kotek
Now go make dmg go to the lowest hp unit in the group instead of spreading it so that small fleets still do something to bigger ones and we good!

We had that in game for several years, it was called “concentration”. It was removed for several reasons, one of which is that we don't really want that “parity” between fleets with huge advantage on one side. We want an attacker to have a choice: send a fleet with small advantage for X fuel cost, but some expected losses; or send a huge fleet for several times X fuel cost, but with minimal or no losses. Having guaranteed losses was detrimental to that choice.
15 Августа 2023 19:37:22
15 Августа 2023 19:37:22
Сообщение  Сообщение #10 
Репутация 11
Группа xerj Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 70 68 51 Очков 3 599 836 Сообщений 60
Ok guys, but visibility of commets is bit too much... The mining is so slow you need to send a ton of recyclers to make it work. Now if you do someone will just knock them down for exp. This will really kill the market. Mines production is rubish and with no reliable vespane flow to bestiary there is no way to hunt pirates either. That will also havely handicap amount of other resources flowing from the map to players. This basically mean fleets are suddenly way more expensive (in a sense of time required in the game to build them) and everyone that already have a big one is in huge advantage. What is the plan here? I Really think you are underestimating what huge disturbance to the game economy this part of changeset brings. Am I missing something?
15 Августа 2023 23:37:47
15 Августа 2023 23:37:47
Сообщение  Сообщение #11 
Группа guest
the most players i have known in this game quit becurse of BAD changes... first you changed the gate range that killed alot of them... then you changed the 500k opses, so you needed to be in an alliance to do them and not able on your own that killed alot more my friends... i barely log on anymore and deleting my account soon becurse i cant see a reasson to trust the future changes of this game... sad an awesome game is wasted in my opinion...
16 Августа 2023 06:41:05
16 Августа 2023 06:41:05
Сообщение  Сообщение #12 
Группа guest
besides the fact that, in my opinion, the range of visibility due to the proposed rules is too short to allow players to play with and against enemies ( now enemies can only be in range , so alliance-related battles are mostly out of the game ) , there's a problem with the equality of rules among races : for example a station of a human inherithes the ability to look in a range form the techlology of the player, while a dunk of zergs needs to develop local techs and facilities to build spores, and for tosses is also much more complicated. Maybe the rules need to be more flexible and shared between races. it is also weird that the race most penalized in looking for enemies is the toss that is meant to be a fighter and raider.
16 Августа 2023 16:00:33
16 Августа 2023 16:00:33
Сообщение  Сообщение #13 
Репутация 11
Группа xerj Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 70 68 51 Очков 3 599 836 Сообщений 60
I am not sure toss is most handicaped. Try to find spots for queens that zerg economy rely on
16 Августа 2023 17:00:11
16 Августа 2023 17:00:11
Сообщение  Сообщение #14 
Репутация 120
Группа humans Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran 68 42 96 Очков 7 287 946 Сообщений 83
UncleanOne, we still do not want this in the game the senate has voted against this update and want it reversed
16 Августа 2023 21:09:47
16 Августа 2023 21:09:47
Сообщение  Сообщение #15 
Группа guest
I do not know whose idea it was or when, but i can tell you this was a horrible idea to implement this, with or without any warning at all. I went and refreshed my browser and cleared my cashe serveral times thinking something was wrong with my browser until i read what was going on. How do you expect me or anyone else for that mater to play or want to play this game when all you can see is 12 solar systems?!?! Change back please asap
17 Августа 2023 06:18:01
17 Августа 2023 06:18:01
Сообщение  Сообщение #16 
Группа guest
it is a bad idea .cant see the rest of the universe ,put it back how it was the game is spoilt i am leaving if not
17 Августа 2023 18:21:06
17 Августа 2023 18:21:06
Сообщение  Сообщение #17 
Репутация 0
Группа humans Альянс Sector Vasina Galaktika 29 4 1 Очков 706 232 Сообщений 4
I belong to the sort of weak, relatively new players that are supposed to benefit from such a change. It is now much harder for stronger players to find my planets and attack me.

Am I pleased with this update? Not really.

I used to be spied upon regularly, constantly checking my spy reports and trying to guess whether and when I'll be attacked. Was that annoying? Sure, but it was part of the game, it was what made the game somewhat interesting for me on the defending side.

Since the Update, no one attacked me even once, not even the Pirates. It is as if the game has died. No one wants to play such a game where all they do is pile up resources and build another level every once in a while. Where's the challenge in that?
17 Августа 2023 20:42:45
17 Августа 2023 20:42:45
Сообщение  Сообщение #18 
Репутация 460
Группа xerj Альянс BLACK OPS 119 85 355 Очков 4 456 278 Сообщений 18
My advice to those who make the game changes: Just play the game and not with unlimited ressources... You"ll see how anoying it is to play in the dark.
I need to kill and I can't see almost anyone.


17 Августа 2023 23:07:09
17 Августа 2023 23:07:09
Сообщение  Сообщение #19 
Репутация 0
Группа humans Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran 43 18 22 Очков 1 793 674 Сообщений 1
"not with unlimited ressources..."
Maybe that's the point of this changes...
19 Августа 2023 14:59:13
19 Августа 2023 14:59:13
Сообщение  Сообщение #20 
Репутация -16
Группа humans Альянс Тень 65 57 99 Очков 3 099 937 Сообщений 5
Could we roll back the whole visibilty thing? Please.
5 Декабря 2023 00:15:37
5 Декабря 2023 00:15:37


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